
A wealth of information exists online concerning all sorts of board games and card games. Provided below are some sites worth browsing...


This is THE resource for board games and card games! The extensive database covers all sorts of games with reviews, rules, and other useful information. If you create a profile, you can participate in the community features of the site, and you can even manage your collection of games online.

Wikipedia entry for "German-style board game"

This page is a good place to start researching German-style games.

Spiel des Jahres

The Spiel des Jahres (game of the year), is the most prestigious award given out annually in Germany. Unfortunately for non-German speakers, the website is mostly in German...

Board Game Central

This site has some useful information, but it's no BGG!


This site hosted in Germany features a database of gaming information, in both English and German.

International Society for Board Game Studies

Scholarly research is being done on board games too!

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