A colleague in his MLIS program said...

Michael possesses excellent interpersonal and communication skills, values teamwork, provides work of a consistently excellent quality in every project he undertakes, and is passionate about IA/UX.

What characteristic(s) about Michael set him apart?

Michael is genuinely passionate about his chosen field. He is actively engaged in the professional community here in Seattle and he encourages his colleagues to be involved, as well. He believes in connecting both with users and other members of the profession to create a user-centered culture of collaboration and innovation.

What characteristic(s) about Michael set him apart?

Michael's enthusiasm, dedication and energy is about, at least, twice of a normal worker. He is really passionate and knowledgeable with information management, user-centered design concept. He can "talk" the tech lingo with a low-keyed demeanor.

What skills does Michael possess that were valuable in your work?

You can count on Michael to be there when needed. He helps out other team members and provides good moral support to the rest of the team. Trust, Dependability and Passion.

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