IA Community – INFX 598, Summer 2010
June 26th, 2010
I’ll post my thoughts and experience with this class later, but I wanted to share a link to the presentation I gave yesterday on the IA community which featured the concept of a PLN, as well as lots of links to books, blogs, events, and people.
Note that this was the summer, week-long intensive IA course taught by Samantha Starmer at the University of Washington Information School. (Not to be confused with the Information Architecture Institute, although I sincerely hope some students consider becoming members of that organization too!)

links for 2010-07-05 « riverrun by meaghn | beta
[...] Michael Adcock » IA Community – INFX 598, Summer 2010 IA Community – INFX 598, Summer 2010 I’ll post my thoughts and experience with this class later, but I wanted to share a link to the presentation I gave yesterday on the IA community which featured the concept of a PLN, as well as lots of links to books, blogs, events, and people. [...]